NIRMV Playlists (new!)
Join us on a musical journey with this project created by the NIRMV Ensemble. We strive to
promote music appreciation plus having great experiences related to it. The selection of
nominations for this list does not indicate that NIRMV endorses all actions, views and opinions
expressed by the related artists, musical professionals or their music. Go to playlists.
NIRMV Spotlighter Newsletters
Featuring previews, behind-the-scenes insights and reviews. All files are PDFs.
- January 2025 (coming soon)
- September 2024
- January 2024
- September 2023
- March 2023
- January 2023
- October 2022
- August 2022
- January 2022
- October 2021
- July 2021
- March 2021
- December 2020
- August 2020
Signature Activities, Events & Programs
NIRMM--National Inspirational Role Models Month
- Theme Selection/Announcement: Each year, NIRMV enhances awareness of the ongoing theme, “Celebrate Who Inspires You Every November”. It also reveals and promotes the annual theme.
- NIRMM Salute: The NIRMM kick off/signature event acknowledges distinctive achievements and contributions of talented individuals linked to NIRMM ongoing and annual themes. NIRMM Salute will continue to feature outstanding celebrities/professionals as keynoters.
- NIRMV Recommended Reading Lists (Adults Edition and Kids Edition)
NIRMV encourages everyone to explore dynamics related to key concepts. Those concepts include Ultimate Inspirational Role Model and Historic Role Model. They inspire people by creatively engaging them in programs and activities that help to identify and celebrate role models in their lives.
NIRMV Showcases
Special library/public exhibits preview in other months/enlighten during the actual November celebration month. The focus is on sharing information about NIRMM, ongoing and annual themes, selected books and programs. It may feature a display board highlighting NIRMM’s first decade.
NIRMV Book Club
Darlene House co-founded NIRMV Book Club with Nancie Coley. In addition to discussion sessions, reader’s also have interactive experiences related to books. NIRMV Book Club also sponsored NIRMM Interactive Classic Book Experience featuring The Little Red Hen.
NIRMV Literary Leader Awards
Awards include Powerful Prolific Pioneer, Significant Scribe Supporter, Creative Writing Artistic Commemorator and Volunteer of the Year.
NIRMV Charity Focus/Charity Support
NIRMV selects a charity focus linked to its ongoing theme/annual theme. Past efforts included book/CD/DVD donations, sheet music drive and empty pill bottle drive. NIRMV responds to requests for charity support with activities, events and projects of others.
NIRMV Inspirational Family/Faces of Greatness Coloring Sheet
Coloring fans of all ages are encouraged to create original art with sheets designed by NIRMV partners including Tony Bacon, Frank Dattilo and The Mystery Artist.
NIRMV Teen Poetry Society
Teens are encouraged to write poems related to ongoing/annual themes. Professional panel of educators and writers judges submissions. Winners may be invited to present poetry plus receive prizes and awards at public event.