Wednesday, November 7, 2018

NIRMV Inspirational Insights Series Launch Highlights

NIRMV Inspirational Insights Series was launched with an enthusiastic group of participants on November 3, 2018 at Detroit Public Library Redford Branch.

(Photo: NIRMV Founder Darlene House (left) and speaker Dr. Paula Duren, Universal Dementia Coach)

This successful event was an official celebration for NIRMM 2018. Thanks again to the highly-informative and engaging speakers -- Make Your Date Detroit's Monica Zdanukiewicz, MPH, OMS-II; Dr. Paula Duren, Universal Dementia Coach and Jacqueline Butts, Creator of "My Life is in a Bag."

(Photo: Speaker Monica Zdanukiewicz, Make Your Date Detroit)

(Photo: Speaker Jacqueline Butts, "My Life in in a Bag)

Congratulations to NIRMV Volunteer of the Year Award Winner Cathleen Hagan (left) and NIRMV Literary Award Winner Significant Scribe Supporter Karen White-Owens (below center). Stay tuned for more events in the series.