Empty Pill Bottle Drive Chair Rudeen Hendrix (center) enthusiastically expressed her gratitude to NIRMV Founder/President Darlene House (right) for supporting Prince Hall Grand Heroines of Templar Crusades special project. NIRMV board members and volunteers donated 306 empty pill bottles for the drive. Donated items will be used to assist missionaries and doctors serving/working in foreign countries.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Support NIRMV Through Fun Fuddraiser
By NIRMV 1:14 PM
Eat, drink and be merry at Fuddrucker's in Southfield on Tuesday, May 21 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.while supporting NIRMV. At 6 p.m. enjoy a meet and greet with NIRMV team members.
Present this flier (PDF) to the cashier and a portion of ALL sales will be donated to NIRMV! Feel free to share this event news with others.
Present this flier (PDF) to the cashier and a portion of ALL sales will be donated to NIRMV! Feel free to share this event news with others.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Let's Talk About It Round Table 3 Adds Up to Success
By NIRMV 11:48 AM
darlene house, financial literacy, jackie butts, lisa leapheart, literacy, nirmv, socialettes of 54
NIRMV successfully partnered with Socialettes of 54 to sponsor Let's Talk About The Secrets of Financial Literacy And Master the Power of Credit. The well-attended event was held on
April 15, 2019 at Prince Hall Masonic Temple in Detroit, Michigan. It featured the IDO Credit Team spotlighting Field Trainer Lisa Leapheart. Thank you to everyone who supported NIRMV Founder/President Darlene House who served as chair of Let's Talk About It Round Table Discussion Series third event. Jackie Butts served as dedicated and enthusiastic CoChair.
April 15, 2019 at Prince Hall Masonic Temple in Detroit, Michigan. It featured the IDO Credit Team spotlighting Field Trainer Lisa Leapheart. Thank you to everyone who supported NIRMV Founder/President Darlene House who served as chair of Let's Talk About It Round Table Discussion Series third event. Jackie Butts served as dedicated and enthusiastic CoChair.