Special thanks to everyone who supported this fun fundraiser. NIRMV is grateful to everyone who stopped by Fuddruckers Southfield during the afternoon, attended the Meet & Greet, helped spread the word or made a donation. We're grateful for you. As highlighted below, valued supporters included some of NIRMV's favorite partners.
Socialettes of 54 Members.
Chaney Book Club Member Jennifer Brown with NIRMV Founder/President Darlene House
College Bound Members.
NIRMV Founder/President Darlene House with NIRMV Directors James Hines and Nancie Coley.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
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socialettes of 54
» NIRMV Fuddraiser Highlights
NIRMV Fuddraiser Highlights
By NIRMV 2:39 PM